chromebook pixel

The Good The slick-looking, Intel-powered Google Chromebook Pixel combines the touch screen support of Windows 8 with the MacBook Pro's high-res Retina display. It also includes three years of free 1TB cloud storage, and has a 4G LTE option. The Bad P

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Google Chrome 為近來年Google推出的眾多服務中,較受人矚目的一項服務。他是由Googld自行開發的一款網頁瀏覽器。根據統計資料顯示,從2008 年推出試用後至今已是占有率第三的瀏覽器,使用人數還在持續成長。 Google Chrome目前提供多種作業平台的支援,包含Windows XP, Vista和Wind...

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  • Official Google Store for Google devices and accessories. Buy Pixel 2, Google Home, Mini &...
    Shop Pixel, Chromecast, Google Home and more at Google Store ...
  • The Chromebook Pixel is a laptop at the high end of Google's Chromebook family of mach...
    Chromebook Pixel - Wikipedia
  • The Chromebook is a new, faster computer. It starts in seconds, and offers thousands of ap...
  • Chromebook Pixel 的八卦消息才在月初流出,現在就正式發表了這台觸控雲端筆電。帶著 2560 x 1700 239ppi 的超高解析度觸控螢幕,並支援了 1TB Go...
    Chromebook Pixel 觸控雲端筆電登場,2560 x 1700 解析度任你遊 ...
  • 距離 Google 推出初代 Chromebook Pixel 已經過去了兩年多時間,但這麼一款產品你很難在日常生活中見到,因為一是它本來就量少,二是難以想像會有人花 US$1,2...
    新款 Chromebook Pixel 長得和初代很像,不過價錢便宜了一些
  • Google seemingly put the nail in the coffin for its Pixel line of laptops back in February...
    Google’s new Chromebook Pixel is reportedly called... the ...
  • The Good The slick-looking, Intel-powered Google Chromebook Pixel combines the touch scree...
    Google Chromebook Pixel review - CNET - Product reviews, ...
  • The updated Chromebook Pixel sets the bar for high-end for Chrome OS hardware, but its bro...
    Google Chromebook Pixel review - CNET
  • Official Google Store for Google devices and accessories. Buy Pixel 2, Google Home, Mini &...
    Shop Pixel, Chromecast, Google Home and more at Google Store ...
  • The Chromebook Pixel is a laptop at the high end of Google's Chromebook family of mach...
    Chromebook Pixel - Wikipedia